The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Military
artificial intelligence, decision making process, phases of artificial intelligence, military, military chatbotAbstract
The artificial intelligence has become a phenomenon of nowadays. It has a significant impact on many fields, including military art and military science, what is also one the of research directions announced by NATO. The article briefly describes the status and possibilities of using artificial intelligence in the Czech Republic and its possible applications in the Czech Armed Forces. The Artificial Intelligence creates conditions and environment for a number of areas where it can make commanders, staffs and soldiers more efficient in their activities in everyday peacetime life, its management, in the stage of their preparation for the performance of combat tasks, planning of combat, as well as in the stage of its management. The article describes the process of experimentation with conversational robots, available on the Internet, as potential means of decision support for commanders, the results achieved and gives suggestions on how to use them in military practice. In the next part, it describes possible areas in which artificial intelligence can be used in the Czech Army to make soldiers' preparation for combat tasks more efficient, to conduct credible war games, in routine processing of documents and information, in military logistics (warehouse management, diagnostics and servicing of military equipment, analysis and processing of data (image, sound, video recordings) and for deception. The article presents an overview of theoretical works on the utilization of artificial intelligence in the Czech Army with emphasis on data and information analysis in documents, rationalization of work with documents and decision support. All in an unclassified mode at the stage of conducting experiments. Currently, the use of so-called chat robots (Chat Robots, Chatbots) has become very widespread. Major IT companies such as Microsoft or Google have introduced various versions of chatbots for use by the general public. Their use for decision support appears to be very advantageous and available. The authors tested the COPILOT and GEMINI chatbots. The purpose and reason for the tests and experimentation of the mentioned tools was to verify how faithfully and precisely the required information compiled by artificial intelligence is true, accurate and complete. The two systems were also chosen
because they draw information from the extensive databases both companies have and which are publicly available to answer
user questions.

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